TO WALK WITH GOD LIKE ENOCH DID - “Father, how can I walk with You like Enoch did

THE PANSY SHELL - I showed Him the shell and knelt down at his feet

BACK TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES - Tabernacle experience

Back to the Island - My Yahushua was still there.

THE ROSE CITY - Enter and be washed.

THE SONS OF KETURAH AND THE SON OF HAGAR - “I want to show them the water well in the dese

POSSESS YOUR PROMISED LAND - “What have you done with your share?"

THE SPOTTED AND SPECKLED SHEEP - “The outcasts will be favoured and they will flo

The Garden of my Father - Early morning at about three

PICKING STARS AND OBEYING BOUNDARIES - One by one I picked the stars.

GALE FORCE WINDS - Signs My children should take notice of.

NEW WINDS - These four winds will arise.

THE DRY BONES - Prayer warriors take your stand.

TEACHERS - I will raise up powerful sons.

EIGHTH DAY CHURCH - Veils are lifting.

THE SEVEN FRAGRANCES - Everything became too much for me.

CRUCIFIED WITH JESUS - Come and lay down, I want to nail you to the cross

GARDEN OF LOVE - Birds joined me in worship.

DANCING ON FIERY STONES - Fear not! I will put my shoes on your feet.

DESERT ROSES in BLOOM - “Your wilderness experience is still not over."

THE EYES OF THE LION - I am about to let you enter the eyes of the Lion.

THE LAST WALTZ - Allow Me to put My arms around you and steer you.